Friday, February 13, 2009

Suzuki SX4-FCV Hydrogen based Fuel

Suzuki Motor Corporation (SMC) announced that their people will follow the manufacturers to make cars with alternative energy. The car will be exhibited at the 2008 Paris Motor Show next month. For this, Suzuki uses the latest security products already produced and marketed, the SX4 Hatchback (cross-over) and given the name SX4-FCV. Alternative energy is selected Suzuki hydrogen fuel cells.

Described, hydrogen storage tank developed by Suzuki own. Advantages, plus lightweight and compact sized capacitor can restore the energy lost during car handbrake. Energy is then used to help speed up the fuel cell when the car accelerated.

SX4-FCV hydrogen fuel produce energy is 107 PS. For a tank can be used to cover 250 km distance. The highest speed that can reach 150 km / hour. After the exhibition in Paris, a planned car will dites in Japan on public roads.

For Suzuki, SX4 is a cross-over car which was developed using the four fuel cells and have reached the stage of testing. For the development of fuel cells, Suzuki cooperation with General Motors since 2001. In media also, Suzuki plans to produce cars that use hydrogen fuel cells is as soon as possible.


Diana Yusuf said...

wah wah wah bagus sekali yah.....mobilnya, kapan aku bisa dapetin mobil yang bagus kayak begini?

PS Holic said...

kali ini iseng2 berhadiahnya paan om?

Cheexa said...

om nanya...
klu kita mo daftarin referral, trus ada pilihannya sbb : Refer Advertisers sama Refer Publishers... nah kita seharusnya pilih yang mana???
makasih om :)

Unknown said...

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